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Welcome to Park Güell tickets! Here you can find all the information you need to plan your visit and purchase tickets for this beautiful and unique park in Barcelona. Start planning your visit today!

Welcome to Park Güell. Get information and buy tickets to visit this beautiful park in Barcelona.

Additional information and tips

Some web portals specify that Park Güell has a free part whereYou can access without buying a ticket. Although it was true in the past, since 2020 thepark is fully regulated and the capacity of controlled access is limited as it guarantees a better visiting experience for tourists and avoids the overcrowding of the place, improvingthus the conservation of heritage and the safety of visitors.

If you are planning to visit Park Güell, be sure to ask for a printed map (free?) or a recommended route to avoid getting lost in the beautiful gardens and works of art of the park. It is easy to get lost among the roads and trails, but with a clear plan you will be able to make sure you see all the major attractions. Also, it is important to choose the adequate entrance to the park, since there are three different entrances, each one with its own features and attractions. Plan your visit in advance and make sure you know what entrance you want to visit and what places you want to see. So you can enjoy your visit to the fullest to Park Güell without missing a thing.