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Benvenuti ai biglietti per Park Güell! Qui potete trovare tutte le informazioni necessarie per pianificare la vostra visita e acquistare i biglietti per questo bellissimo e unico parco di Barcellona. Iniziate a pianificare la vostra visita oggi stesso!

Benvenuti al Parco Güell. Ottieni informazioni e acquista i biglietti per visitare questo bellissimo parco di Barcellona.


1.Legal Information

This website, PARKGUELLTICKET.COM (hereinafter referred to as the website or PARKGUELLTICKET), is owned and operated by TicketGo OÜ, with tax identification number VAT EE102695614 and registered office at Sakala tn 7-2. 10141 Kesklinna linnaosa. Tallinn, Harju maakond, Estonia.

The company is registered in the registration department of the Tartu Provincial Court (registration code 16882835).

You can contact us via email at


2.Purpose of the Website

PARK GUELL TICKET aims to provide users with a ticket reservation service for Park Güell in Barcelona.


3.Use of the Website

The user assumes responsibility for the use of PARKGUELLTICKET. The website provides access to various content, including text, graphics, photographs, and other materials ("Content") belonging to PARKGUELLTICKET or third parties.

The user agrees to use the Content and Services offered through the website appropriately and in accordance with the law. This includes, among other things, not using them for:

(i) Engaging in illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and public order.

(ii) Causing damage to the physical and logical systems of PARKGUELLTICKET, its suppliers, or third parties.

(iii) Introducing or disseminating computer viruses or other elements that may cause similar harm.

(iv) Attempting to access, use, or manipulate the data of PARKGUELLTICKET, its suppliers, or other users.

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PARKGUELLTICKET warns that the materials contained on this website are provided for informational purposes only and may not be sufficient to make decisions or take positions in specific cases. The materials may not reflect the most recent legislation or jurisprudence on the topics covered and are subject to change without notice.

PARKGUELLTICKET reserves the right to investigate and report any conduct that violates the law and cooperate with authorities in investigations related to such conduct.


4.Intellectual and Industrial Property

All intellectual property rights to the Content and graphic design of the website are the exclusive property of PARKGUELLTICKET or third parties who have authorized their use. PARKGUELLTICKET does not grant any license or authorization for the use of its intellectual or industrial property rights or any other rights related to the website, the Services, or the Content.

Reproduction and temporary storage of the Content of the website are allowed only to the extent necessary for viewing from a personal device.

The legitimacy of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the Content provided by users is the sole responsibility of the users.


5.Liability and Warranties

PARKGUELLTICKET declares that it has taken reasonable measures to ensure the proper functioning of the website and the absence of viruses or other harmful components. However, it is not responsible for:

(i) The continuity and availability of the Content and Services.

(ii) Errors in the Content or the correction of defects.

(iii) The presence of viruses or harmful components.

(iv) Damage caused by individuals who violate the security systems of PARKGUELLTICKET.

Contributions on this website are provided for informational purposes only, and PARKGUELLTICKET does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of the Content.

PARKGUELLTICKET assumes no responsibility for links to other websites and has no control over them, so accessing these sites is the responsibility of the user.


6.Links and Hyperlinks

The links available on this website serve solely to provide additional information to users about the existence of other sources that may enrich the content offered on this website. PARKGUELLTICKET does not guarantee or take responsibility for the operation or accessibility of linked sites, nor does it suggest, invite, or recommend visiting them. Therefore, PARKGUELLTICKET assumes no responsibility for the results obtained when accessing these links, nor for the establishment of hyperlinks to this site by third parties.

PARKGUELLTICKET does not perform periodic reviews of linked content and, consequently, assumes no responsibility for the content, information, or services that may appear on these linked sites. Such links are provided for informational purposes only and do not imply any relationship between PARKGUELLTICKET and the individuals or entities that own the linked content or the sites where they are located. PARKGUELLTICKET is also not responsible for the operation of linked sites or any potential damages resulting from accessing or using them.

Links to the PARKGUELLTICKET website must comply with the following conditions:

a. The establishment of the link does not imply the existence of an agreement, contract, sponsorship, or recommendation by PARKGUELLTICKET of the page that creates the link.

b. The website establishing the hyperlink must not contain information with illegal content, discriminatory content, content contrary to accepted common ethical principles, or content that infringes upon public order, nor should it contain content that infringes upon the rights of third parties.

c. PARKGUELLTICKET may request the removal of a link to its website at any time, without the need to provide a specific reason. In such a case, the website that established the link must remove it immediately upon receiving notification from PARKGUELLTICKET.

d. PARKGUELLTICKET assumes no responsibility for the quality, accuracy, reliability, correctness, or morality of the content or services that the establishment of the hyperlink may offer. The user assumes sole responsibility for the consequences, damages, or actions of the user resulting from access to the website of the hyperlink.


7.Duration and Modifications

This Legal Notice and the Terms of Use will be in effect indefinitely and may be modified by PARKGUELLTICKET without prior notice. The current conditions will apply when the user accesses the website.

Accessing and using the website implies acceptance of this Legal Notice and its conditions, as well as any modifications made in the future.